Testing and Certification
Our services
Testing and Conformity Assessment
EVPÚ a.s. conducts tests in a laboratory accredited by the Slovak National Accreditation Service. The laboratory is specialized in testing electrical equipment.
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Authorized / Notified Body
EVPÚ a.s. is an Authorized / Notified Person NO 1293 for the following regulations.
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Other services
- Homologation
- NSA of the Slovak Republic
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Database of Certificates
List of issued certificates with release date and validity information.
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Please send the completed documents to the certification body.
Files for download:
Application for certification of product
Application for certification of product – Authorized /Notified Body (CPR)
Copy of accreditation of Certification body certifying products
issued by the Slovak national accreditation service
Scope of accreditation of Certification body certifying products from SNAS webpage.
Copy of accreditation of Testing laboratories
issued by the Slovak national accreditation service
Scope of accreditation of Testing laboratories from SNAS webpage.
Scope of EVPÚ, a. s. notification is available at NANDO database.
Certification body, its management and its internal and external employees understand the importance of impartiality safeguarding and the threat of any potential conflict of interests in carrying out its certification activities. Our certification body has developed and maintained a strict impartiality policy in order to eliminate any threats to impartiality and to improve the confidence in our certification service. Further, annually an independent impartiality committee assesses provided certification activities and related potential impartiality threats. Threats related to objectivity and impartiality of the body are addressed further through binding personnel statements to ensure that all activities undertaken by the certification body are conducted in an impartial and independent manner and to reveal any situation known to our personnel that may expose our body to a conflict of interests.
A detailed description of the certification/conformity assessment is given by a particular certification scheme for which is client decided. In case you would like to have more information about particular certification schemes including evaluation procedures, rules, and procedures for granting, for maintaining, for extending or reducing the scope of, for suspending, for withdrawing or for refusing certification please contact Head of the certification body. Contact data to Head of the certification body are listed in section Contact .
General description of the certification process
- Request for certification/conformity assessment from client
- Gathering of basic technical documentation according to the requirements of a certification scheme
- Preparation of price offer
- Receipt of application
- Preparation and signing of a contract
- Preparation of proforma invoice
- Payment
Receipt of samples and technical documentation according to the requirements of a certification scheme - Evaluation, review and certification decision according to the requirements of a certification scheme
- Final account
- Preparation and dispatch or certification documentation/notice about the decision not to issue certification documents
- Release of samples for client
- Archiving of documentation
- Surveillance (in case it is a requirement of certification scheme)
In case of any objection against the work of certification body is possible to submit complain or appeal to our work. We take every complain or appeal as an opportunity to improve our services, therefore, they are welcome. You can submit complain or appeal anytime in written form to the address:
EVPU a.s.
Trencianska 19
018 51 Nova Dubnica
Slovak Republic
Complains or appeals submitted by another way will not be handled in order with processes of the certification body.
Process of resolving the complaint or appeal:
- receiving of complaint or appeal,
- registration of the complain or appeal into the book “Complaints and appeals” by the Director,
- verification and acknowledgment that complain or appeal is concerning the work of the certification body. In case it does not it is provided information that the complain or appeal will not be investigated and will be made record into the book “Complaints and appeals”. In case the complain or appeal is concerning the work of certification body it will be announced with information that there will be performed investigation,
- collecting and verification of information necessary for investigation.
- During every meeting with claimer will be written minutes in two copies (one for each site),
- the decision about resolving,
- record into the book “Complaints and appeals” regarding the resolving and date,
- formal notice about resolving to claimer.
Certification body act in line non-decimation principle to clients which submitted complain or appeal against its activities in the past.
Law No. 250/2007 collection of laws.
Under the law no. 250/2007 collection of laws on Consumer protection and on the amendment of the law of the Slovak National Council no. 372/1990 collection on offenses as amended is an expert judgment a written statement of an expert or the opinion issued by an authorized, notified or accredited body or the opinion of a person authorized by the manufacturer to perform warranty repairs. In consideration of the increased number of inquiries for expert judgment under the law no. 250/2007 collection of laws §18 cl. 7., referring to the statement of the vendors or service centers for complaints, we announce that EVPU j.s.c. does not carry out an expert judgment under the law 250/2007 collection of laws.
EVPU j.s.c. performs conformity assessment under the law 56/2018 collection of laws on technical requirements for products and on conformity assessment and on amendments and supplements to certain laws.